Saturday, March 29, 2025


Wednesday, 18 September 2013

OK, must do better

Wow has been a little wile sense I last blogged , I have been busy with my family and work is amazing how sometimes life takes you on different paths  , journeys that you never thought you take.
I haven't done much crafting for the last nine months and I miss it so much I find crafting so relaxing 
The only creativity I have been doing is decorating my planner with my new found love,washi tape �� and planners�� .
Have any of you enter the planner world ?? I always have been in to planners but now even more just because  is a lot more choices , colours sizes models ... 
Here is a photo of the planner that I'm using at the moment 

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Clare Curd Crafts

 Clare Curd is  celebrating the relaunch of Clare Curd Crafts  She is   running an amazing blog party on Monday 19th August, unveiling projects and inspiration from her  new Design Team, please pop over and show her some love . 


Thursday, 26 July 2012

Creative ideas by Katharina give away

Whiff of Joy’s is celebrating the release of  the gorgeous  new stamps by giving away to one of there follows   .I hope I'm one of the lucky ones :) fingers cross .

Friday, 18 May 2012

cute owl

just a super quick card for the Pumpkin Spice blog  Challenge 
celebrating MY Pink Stamper  New Line  

 hope you all enjoying the good weather we are having at the  moment .
BBQ has been out a few times this weekend :)
Hugs XOX

Monday, 7 May 2012

Good afternoon 

hope you all enjoying and making the most of the long weekend  I'm :)

This card was made for a Friend (dollie :) )  she  was in needed of little hug . we all need a little hug from time to time ... ok  always :)  I had so much fun colouring this image 
enjoy the rest of the long weekend i'm off to do some gardening .

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Flower power

 hi friends hope you are having a good week 
I have been busy crafting this week , has been so much fun
i don't get as much time crafting as would like too , but i do make the most of when i do :).
I was busy catching up on friends and family B'day cards .
and  created this one for a friend she is a girly girl  and very recently had a hair cut in to a bob style
i thought that this die cut image was just the thing for her .

I to made her some vanilla  cupcakes  too and cut the same images 

materials and tolls
* Kraft card 
*basic grey paper 
*black card 
*white gel pen 
*3x gems
*Gypsy to design and weld images   
cartridges used :  Forever young = model 9 button
                smiley cards  for card shape  =   silly ,  button 
white glue 

thanks for stooping by  :) 

Friday, 4 November 2011

Tilda Fun

 Mini album with pockets  ,
  this Tilda as become on of my faves to colour 
 I made the front cover a tad shorter to make easier to get to the first pocket 
 ripped tag  just love the way it turned up , let just say it was a happy accident 


Friday, 28 October 2011

Happy Birthday KERRY

I'm, so loving working with Owls can you tell :)  , made the card and tag to celebrate Dollie Kerry's Birthday
Happy Birthday Kerry Hope you have been spoiled by all   

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Pretty Owl :)

 I so love this Owl  , looks like she is having a little nap :)

Thursday, 2 June 2011

what a lovely day :)

Just got back from a bike ride and survived yuuuuupppy  lol  . My second time on the bike this year  i had to go for 6 miles   ,only takes 6minutes in car a life time in the bike LOL gosh  a felt so unfit on the last two miles i had a cramp on my leg  ouch . My youngest was with me  I'm super proud of him for managing  to do it  ,he din't even complaining  over the heat :) 
we  did stop at the church  and took some photos .

    As part of the Millennium Celebrations in the year 2000 every household in whalton Village  was given a disposable camera so that each family could record images of what of what whalton meant to them .The result were exhibited in the Village Hall
A duplicate set of photographic prints was made and section of these photographs were used by Ian Johnson Broomhill to produce the montage of Christ.  The  whole collage consists of over two thousand eight hundred and fifty individual pieces
Grandad took some photos of my eldest son when he was over at his  , and the photos made the board 

Michaels photo is  part of the greenery and grandad's is part of his face i think it looks amazing 

what do you think ?? 

Big HUg 

Sunday, 15 May 2011


 Gosh another year has gone by  , I can't believe that my niece is 8 already 

products :
Papermania  kcraft card  ( my fave at the moment just love it  comes on 12" by 12")
blue,pink , green paper from papermill 
sand , googly eyes from my stash 
cricut to cut card shape and fish    =create a critter  love this cartridge 

thanks for stopping by hugs 

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Lisa's Birthday card

I  designed this card a little wile back with Lisa in mind  she is such a fun friend when we are together nobody else can get a word in , we pop around the day before a birthday  to drop  her presie  and we had  a pre-B'day cake,,,, yummy,,, and some adult beverages to wash it down lol .
here is Lisa having a laugh at the party popper we had , we both waiting for a big bang  and was more like a pfffffffffff  was so funny  ! lol 

  Here is the card I used the gypsy to size the letters .

Happy Birthday Lisa 

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Happy Valentine day

My hubby's valentine's card ,   when i come across this image i had to have it and I knew  straightaway what I wanted to do with it , such a fabulous image to colour in .
I colour two set's of images and used the second one to decoupage ( highlight :) )the hair ,hands and shoes .

Ingredients :
Paper pads 
Making memories -cheeky collection -ABBY
             - BOHO CHIC
Core'dinitions  Black magic potion- No 9 
smoothed  white card stock for the image 
cricut & gypsy
create a critter (accessory  pag. 65 )
IM Pex Hi-Tack PVA (love it )
foam pads 
score tape for the hinges of the house 
color'Box fluid chalk Prussian blue for he edges of the paper
Black ink -dovecraft
Blossom,rose pink,pastel pink ,vanilla ,tan,shale,cool grey, denim blue,
studio G
thanks for looking  


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