Saturday, 28 February 2009


Happy Birthday Lainy

have a fab day

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Paper Dolls Challenge

We all in the mend after getting the cold back ,

felt like we have had a cold for months

We went through so many tissues .

Anyhow …. I have been crafting this weekend for the Paper Dolls Challenge

The photos aren’t the best I sneezed as I was taking the photos

and didn’t look at the preview .

(Is all ready to be posted to Bee on Monday morning so I can’t retake them)

Hope you all having a good weekend we just having a lazy evening ,

but before I do that need to clean my craft table and visit my fellow crafters Blogs

Enjoy your weekend whatever you do


Thanks for stopping by

Saturday, 14 February 2009

AMAZING Blog Candy from Stampavie!
ONE lucky winner will receive the ENTIRE Oooh La La Collection from Leere Aldrich courtesy of Stampavie! That's TEN stamps in all!!! Can you believe it???
Pop over to Jessica for a chance to win .

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

my sister SBS Monica is celebrating her one year blogaversary
she is offering this amazing Candy
Congrats Monica on your Blogaversary

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Kath's Yummy candy :)

Kath is given away the most yummy candy ladies /gents
and is pink ( I love pink Smiles)
Please pop over for a chance to win .


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