Wednesday, 18 September 2013

OK, must do better

Wow has been a little wile sense I last blogged , I have been busy with my family and work is amazing how sometimes life takes you on different paths  , journeys that you never thought you take.
I haven't done much crafting for the last nine months and I miss it so much I find crafting so relaxing 
The only creativity I have been doing is decorating my planner with my new found love,washi tape �� and planners�� .
Have any of you enter the planner world ?? I always have been in to planners but now even more just because  is a lot more choices , colours sizes models ... 
Here is a photo of the planner that I'm using at the moment 

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Clare Curd Crafts

 Clare Curd is  celebrating the relaunch of Clare Curd Crafts  She is   running an amazing blog party on Monday 19th August, unveiling projects and inspiration from her  new Design Team, please pop over and show her some love . 



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